AIDN : Association Internationale pour le Développement de Ndianda (Sénégal)

Unis pour Ndianda

Faire un don

Projets /Actions AIDN : 2013 à nos jours

2020/2023Salle Multifonctionnelle de Ndianda (Bibliothèque, Espace Informatique, Espace Conférence/Réunion)Plus de 15 000 € engagés ( environ 9 800 000 FCFA)En cours

Vous pouvez soutenir l'équipement de la salle en faisant un don ( via ce site : Bouton Faire un don)

2022 Don d'une ambulance au centre de santé de Ndianda Réalisé
2022 Don de blouses à des structures de santé dans les communes de Nguéniène et Joal-Fadiouth Réalisé
19/04/2020 Soutien Anti-Covid au centre de santé de Ndianda 100 000 FCFA Réalisé
2019 Soutien aux familles sinistrées suite à un incendie à Ndianda 335 € (219 425 FCFA) Réalisé
2019 Journée Sargal (Hommage) au centre de santé de Ndianda 100 000 FCFA) Réalisé
07/2018 Soutien à l'AJDN (Association des Jeunes pour le Développement de Ndianda) pour leurs activités sportives hivernales 100 000 FCFA) Réalisé
11/2017 Don au comité de santé pour l'inauguration de la maternité de Ndianda 150 000 FCFA Réalisé
30/12/2017 Don de l'association "Women To The World" aux femmes qui travaillent dans le domaine du maraîchage à Nguéniene 1000 $ Réalisé
2017 Fournitures scolaires à l'école de Ndianda 2 86 400 FCFA Réalisé
2017,2018,2019Cours de soutien scolaire aux classes d'examen : 3ème (CEM), CM2 (Ecole Ndianda 1)540 100 FCFA,450 000 FCFA,XXXXX FCFARéalisé
2016Cours de soutien scolaire aux classes d'examen : 3ème (CEM), CM2 (Ecole Ndianda 1)591 420 FCFARéalisé
2015 Soutien aux Etudiants de Ndianda pour l'achat de tickets (cantine) 100 000 FCFA Réalisé
2015 Soutien à l'AEERN (Association des Elèves et Etudiants de Ndianda) 133 000 FCFA Réalisé
2014Projet Fournitures scolaires 20143 309 372 FCFARéalisé

Merci à nos généreux donateurs.

2013Projet Fournitures scolaires 20133 010 500 FCFARéalisé
@aidn.ndianda Salle Multifonctionnelle de Ndianda (Sénégal) #aidn ♬ Epic - Joystock
Salle Multifonctionnelle

Salle Multifonctionnelle de Ndianda

Appel à contribution
Ambulance par AIDN


IADN’s main objective is to support ample access to education and healthcare for all people of Ndianda.The Association also supports the organization of cultural, athletic or economic activities in collaboration with the local population.

International Headquarters

Because of its international character, IADN relies on members from around the world. For this reason, the Association determined that it was necessary to have headquarters in different countries.

These headquarters are as follows:

Headquarters France

62 Boulevard Gabriel Péri 92240 Malakoff

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Headquarters USA

115 Sweet Gum Drive

Athens GA 30605

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Headquarters Senegal

École Primaire Publique de Ndianda

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The IADN website was the first project accomplished by the Association following its creation and its recognition by the French authorities. A domain was therefore reserved and the construction of the site started soon after, under the technical direction of the Vice-President of the Association.

This site is a window into Ndianda and will allow a better understanding of the village through its different activities. It will serve as a source of information for our partners in development, for the inhabitants of Ndianda, as well as for all other people interested in the efforts of the organization.

It will also serve as communication between members of the Association and the local population.

On this website, you will find general information on Senegal, as well as information regarding the region of Thiès where Ndianda is located.

You will be able to discover Ndianda's history, citizens, economy and culture.

We feel such a comprehensive understanding of Ndianda is necessary to better comprehend the variety of issues that face the village.

While navigating this website, you will also find public articles concerning our Association, specifically information related to its rules of procedure, the program for the current year, achievements and future projects.

You will also learn how to become a member and how to donate to the Association.


Administration and Meetings

IADN is managed by an administrative council elected by the General Assembly. The President is elected for a period of four years. He insures the proper functioning of the Association and the consistency of cabinet meetings and general assemblies over which he must preside. He also represents the Association in front of local, national, and international administrative authorities.

The Vice-President of the Association is elected to supplement the President's numerous activities. In the case of the President's absence, he will direct the meetings and represent the Association in front of local, national, and international administrative authorities, and in front of the partners of the Association.

A Vice-President can be elected on a country-to-country basis through the proposal of the cabinet and with the approval of the General Assembly.Accordingly, Senegal and France have arranged for each to have a Vice-President who supplements the President's responsibilities in their respective countries.The Vice-Presidents must be informed of all activities of their administration, entrusting them with total or partial management of certain records with the approval of the cabinet.

Two administrative secretaries (one administrative secretary and his assistant) have the responsibility of documenting the whole of the administration of the association. They conduct clear and complete secretarial work enabling them to store and preserve archives to make them easily accessible. In addition to the more traditional methods of exchange and record storage, the secretaries can also use Google Drive, Facebook, Skype or Dropbox (or another legal service) as well as the website ( to share or distribute documents to other members of the cabinet. They are in charge of all the administrative documents of the Association. They write correspondences and convocations of the cabinet, of the general assemblies (by the demand of the President) and update the collection of administrative documents.

The General Treasurer has the duty and the responsibility of all the financial and material assets of the Association. He co-signs with the President on the disbursement of funds that are approved beforehand by the executive cabinet and by the general assembly. He can effectuate no spending without a stamp of approval by the President or the Vice-President, in the case of impeachment. He sees to the opening of a bank account for the association and receives the funds designated to the association in the form of contributions, donations or gains.

There are three secretaries who have connections with the active forces in the village and are responsible for the organization of demonstrations.They interact with the inhabitants of the village and the surrounding populations, while also organizating collaborations with other local associations.

The auditor plays the role of General Inspector by controlling the treasurer held in check at his disposal each time that the auditor formulates this request. The General Treasurer will place all of the files and accounting documents necessary for the verification of the Association’s finances. All the operations of the open financial accounts in the name of the association must be put at the disposal of the auditor by the General Treasurer, for control in the same way as the financial commodities of the Association.

Members of the cabinet use electronic communication in order to exchange administrative documents, online work and to discuss project proposals.

Members meet via video conference on Skype the first Sunday of each month at 19:00, hour of Ndianda.


The Cabinet


Amadou Lamine Niom: President of IADN / Head of European Zone

Mathilde Le Villain: Vice President of IADN / Vice President UK Zone

Florence Ndour: Vice President America Zone

Samba Sarr: Vice President Senegal Zone

Félix Guèdje Dione: Administrative Secretary

Mamour Ndour: General Treasurer

Ablaye Faye: Executive Director America Zone

Agnès Ndiaye: Organising Secretary and Deputy Treasurer Senegal Zone

Isidore Ndong: Deputy Treasurer Senegal Zone

Cheikh Faye: Deputy Treasurer America Zone

Samba Ndiaye: Assistant of the Administrative Secretary., Secretary for Communication, External Relations and ICT

Aziz Ndao: Deputy Secretary for Organisation, in charge of sports affairs Europe Zone, Deputy Treasurer Europe Zone

Mireille Sagne: Internal Auditor

Marianne Ndiaye: General Secretary for Communication

Babou Sarr: Deputy Secretary for Communication Senegal Zone

Emmanuelle Diouf: Assistant of the Administrative Secretary. Senegal Zone


Demba Sarr: Honorary President of AIDN

Attestation de reconnaissance

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