IADN : International Association for the Development of Ndianda Corporation

( Senegal ) United for Ndianda


Ndianda is a small, beautiful village that was established 138 years ago.

It is situated 120 kilometers south of the Senegalese capital of Dakar. The village is located approximately 7 kilometers from the Atlantic Ocean and has ample access to the water via Joal, Fadiouth, Ngazobil, and Mbodiène.

Ndianda is thus a village of crossroads representing a link between the town of Joal-Fadiouth and the Rural Community of Nguéniène.

The climate is mild and very agreeable with sunny days for most of the year and many palm trees that create an enjoyable view of the landscape.There are around 6,000 inhabitants divided into roughly 500 households.


The villagers have, for a long time, made education a priority. Thus, presently the village consists of a pre-school, two public primary schools, an Islamic school and a middle school.


The health center was originally established in the 1980's and has since been relocated. The center was created thanks to funding from the Association of Aid to Health and Social Development (ADESSE) and Association Solidarité Ndianda based in France.


Christianity and Islam are the main religions of Ndianda. The Church St. Etienne was built in 1902 by missionaries in the west of the village. This church, one of the oldest in the county of Mbour, is currently classified as listed world property. It was in 2004 that the Grand Mosque, located to the East, was built by and for the Muslim community with the support of volunteers.


The principal economic activities are agriculture and animal breeding, but the profitability of these is under the influence of uncontrollable factors such as rainfall, insect invasion, monsoons, etc.  Therefore, it became necessary to create strategies in order to help the population develop alternative ways of economic growth. It is for this reason, among others, that our Association was born.


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